Our Tutors

We have the best tutors who are experienced and have guided numerous students to successfully enter the best schools and universities.

We will match your children with the tutors with the best experience and teaching style to bring the best out of your children.

Helen - English

Special educational needs; 5 years 11+ exam marker; 20 years teaching experience 

Inesh - Science

1st class Oxford graduate; common entrance exams prep; GCSE; Oxbridge application prep

Simon - Maths, Science

11+, 13+, GCSE, A-Level and university application prep

David - French, Latin +

Oxford graduate; 25 years of teaching at independent schools; head of departments; also teaching Spanish, Greek, Creative writing and Oxbridge interview prep

Leo - English, History

Oxford graduate; KS2/KS3/ISEP/GCSE/A-Level English and history lessons

Connie - English

1st class MA/BA(Hons); English as a foreign language, 11+, 13+,  GCSE, A-Level

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